6 hours
$95 w/ kayak rental
$80 (bring your own boat)

Wind, Waves, and Weather

In this class, participants take the skills learned in our Sea Kayak Essentials course and put them to use in a coastal environment exposed to wind, waves, and weather. Ideal conditions for this course are winds 10-15kn and waves 1-2 ft. The class centers around a short day trip, in which participants will paddle 2 miles of exposed coast. with opportunities to practice leadership, communication, towing, and decision-making along the way.

Skill level: Intermediate
Prerequisite courses: Sea Kayak Essentials
Follow-up courses: Erie Islands Experience

Skills taught in this class:

  • Sea kayak strokes and maneuvers in wind and small waves:

    Forward and reverse sweep strokes; draw strokes; stern rudder; brace (to prevent capsize); low brace turns.

  • Sea kayak rescues & safety in wind and small waves:

    T-Rescue; self-rescues; contact towing; in-line towing using a quick release tow system; swimmer rescues; rafting for support

Concepts taught in this class:

  • Planning and implementing a coastal day trip.

  • The effect of wind and waves on the paddling environment and how to mitigate these.

  • Basic kayak repairs in the field

  • Interacting with boat traffic

  • VHF radio use